
Nowadays, competition among educational world no longer be something new. Over time, more and more advanced civilization was accompanied by increasingly rapid technological development. The development of information technology is so drastic. It impacts all elements of life in educational world.

Good education is the education that is at least able to follow developments in order to face the competition in the world of education. Reflected on the development of education in our country nowadays, we think that it is necessary to make an educational innovation that is able to create young generations who are able to compete in the world of education.

(Hamijoyo) suggested that educational innovation is a new and qualitative change which is different from what existed before and it is deliberately pursued to improve the ability in order to achieve certain goals in education. There are various innovations in education such as quantum learning innovations; learning innovation competence; contextual learning innovation; and innovation-learning Electronic learning (e-learning).

Electronic learning (e-Learning) innovation in Education is the right thing to create a national education and prepare the young generations who are able to face global competition. Brown, 2000 and Feasey, 2001 (in siahaan, 2002) simply say that e-learning is a learning activity that utilizes a network (Internet, LAN, WAN) as a method of delivery, interaction, and the facilities which are supported by a variety of other forms of learning services.

To support the implementation of Internet-based learning, we strive to create an online learning media. In this case, we choose blog as a medium of learning which has several facilities such as learning materials, learning evaluation, as well as the consulting room.

Learning materials that we try to provide through this blog are about gerunds and infinitives, equipped with some questions of gerunds and infinitives sub material therein. Expected This "gerund mastery" blog can give more understanding of gerunds and infinitives for the readers. Finally, critiques and suggestions are expected to develop this blog to be more interesting and useful.

Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1999, Understanding and using English Grammar, Third Edition, United State of America: Pearson Education.