Friday, January 2, 2015

1.4 Common Verbs Followed By Gerunds

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Gerunds are used as the object of certain verbs.
I enjoy playing tennis.
In the example, enjoy is followed by a gerund (playing). Enjoy I not followed by an infinitive.
INCORRECT: I enjoy to play tennis.
Common verbs that are followed by gerunds are given in the list below

Some phrasal verbs, *e.g., give up, are followed by gerunds. These phrasal verbs are given in parentheses in the list below.
a. Joe quite smoking.
b. Joe give up smoking.
(a) and (b) have the same meaning.


enjoy                                 quite (give up)                        avoid                                       consider

appreciate                         finish (get through)                 postpone (put off)                   discuss

mind                                  stop **                                    delay                                       mention

keep (keep on)                  suggest

* A phrasal verb consists of a verb and a particle (a small word such as a preposition) that together have a special meaning. For example, put off means “postpone.”
** Stop can also be followed immediately by an infinitive of purpose (in order to). See gerunds and infinitives – 2.1
COMPARE the following:
(1) stop + gerund: When the professor entered the room, the students stopped talking. The room became quiet.
(2) stop + infinitive of purpose: While I was walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. I stopped to talk to him (I stopped walking in order to talk to him).

B A C K    T O

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